Friday, May 21, 2010

How to judge Dasa-Bhukthi lords?:

In Vedic Astrology we have a peculiar scheme to time events called as Dasa system. Among the no. of. Dasa systens "Vimshothari" is a famous and widely used system. KSK also endorsed this scheme and predicted events with date and time.

1) Dasa lord is the ultimate authority and no bhukthi lord will step out from his directions.

Ex: If dasa lord is not permitting marriage then no bhukthi lord whatever
strength he may have will not give marriage.

2)Dasa lord will be strong signficator for the houses ruled and occupied by its star lord. He will also offer his own significations but that depends up on whether there is any planet in his star or not.

Ex: dasa lord may be lord of 6 or occupant of 6 but if he is in the star of Occupant/Owner of 7/11 houses then he will vote for marriage. If there is no
planet in his star then he will become strong for 6th house and may cause separation in other bhukthi.

3)Dasa lord is a turn coat and acts a per the significations of the bhukthi lord.

Ex: if dasa lord signifies both positive and negative house for
marriage. then in the bhukthi of a positive significator he
offers marriage and in the bhukthi of the negative significator
causes separation/divorce etc..

4) The relation between dasa and bhukthi lord is important. they should have harmonious aspects as per "Western" scheme of aspects.

5)Dasa lord or bhukthi lord should not be in evil aspects with their star lords, if we expect the result of the star lord.

Ex: If dasa/bhukthi lord is in the star of a planet in 10 and
owning 11th house and the native is expecting promotion, in
such a case DB lords should not be in evil aspect with that
star lord, in that situation there will be maximum opposition/
delay in promotion of the native.

6)In KP any event come to pass if the DB lords are the strong and fruitful significators of the group of houses corroborating that event. Otherwise the event seems to happen but will never take place.

Ex: for marriage 2,5,7,11 houses are the group of houses and the
focal house is 7th house. Similarly for promotion in
career 2,6,10,11 houses but the focal house is 10th etc.

7) The most important point to remember is "transit" or "Gochara". As per KP an event will materialize only when "both" the DB lords and transit of DB lords are favorable.Hence foremost importance is given for the transit of DB lords in timing events.

Good Luck


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