In Astrological jargon the term Starlord is used only in a limited sense. the real impetus of starlord is well explained only by Sothida Mannan, Jyothiha Marthand Sri K.S.Krishnamurthy. He named it as "Advanced Stellar Astrology" and it is popular as KP. According to this theory every planet will be posited in a star of any horoscope. The plant in that star will become the agent of that star lord.And it is termed as "Significator" for all those affairs guide by that starlord by occupation and ownership.
Then what about its own signification? those affairs ruled and controlled by the planet itself only when there is not any planet in its constellation. If there is any or there are many, those planets will become stronger than the planet. Thus in KP for every house/bhava planets are categorized as strong and weak in the order given below:
1) Planets in the star of the Occupant of the house
2) Occupants of the house
3) Planets in the star of lord of the house
4) Lord of the house.
5)Finally the planets conjoined with or aspected by (1) to (4) above.
Like this significators are ascertained and tabulated for each and every bhava.
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