The Key for a successful prediction in KP is "Ruling Planet(RP)" theory. After a long study Sri K.S.K proved beyond any doubt that Ruling Planets are the real pointers of the event to be timed. what are these RP and how to know them?
The reason behind which comes to my mind is as follows: If we observe that any event in our life will take place only in a few moments of time. Birth (even though for a long period of stay in womb it will take place only in a particular moment; Success you don't know how much time and effort you invest but success will be achieved only in a single moment of time study through out the year moment of declaration of the result is the real climax for the study, how many years you may love but the acceptance/rejection of your love is the this in any no.of cases you will find that the single moment of time is the real decider of the fate. why that particular event only happens on that particular day date n moment is the million dollar question. The answer is Ruling Planets.
Ruling planets are the planets which rule and govern the moment: Particularly the Day lord, Moon sign lord, Moon star lord, Ascendant lord , Ascendant star lord, Planet rising in the Ascendant (provided very close to asc. point) these are mentioned strength wise in ascending order.
All the week only a particular day is destined to cause an event, Moon the pointer of the day will transit on a particular Sign star and Sub to cause the event. the most important one is the ascendant because it is the fastest moving point among all the pointers. It moves at one sign per every two hours, changing the roles of planets entirely. In that two hours also only some 45 to 55 minutes it will stay in a particular star. Thats why it is the strongest factor in RP theory. Automatically planets influencing these points of Moon and Ascendant by conjunction and aspect will also have a role to play.
In the above way RP are ascertained, the interesting point in the "Concept of Time" is that each and every moment of it is the starting point and the will contain the seed for the future in it.Therefore past is not a dead tree but mother for a new tree. Suppose if you consult an astrologer at 5 PM having in your mind to know about your exam result which will be announced next week) and your marriage date (which will take place after few years)then that particular date and time of question will have the clue for the happening of both these events.. that's the magic of time.
The logic is that RP which prompts you to pose a query are the deciders of the fate of that particular query. whether the result is favorable or not that doesn't matter. If you ask "whether i will marry that particular girl?" RP for that particular moment will give a clue whether you will marry her or not if yes then when. Like this if you experiment you will yourself know its power and strength. From minor to major events we can predict with confidence.
These RP are different from what Alan Leo stated in his work.To put in a nut shell "RPs are the powerful links that connect the present moment with the future moment" .
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Who is Sublord and what is his role in prediction?
The most rationalizing invention in Predictive Astrology is the SubLord theory.Ful credit goes to Sri KSK for his tireless research.After a lot of study of both Vedic and Western Astrological principles he was vexed and perplexed. He courageously discarded many of the impractical dicta and declare them void and useless.He dicided to carry on research on his own to find the truth in Astrology. After three decades of research with the blessings of Lord Uchhishta Ganapathy and his holiness Sri Chandra Sekharendra Saraswathi Swami (Kamakoti Muttt)at last truth dawned in his mind.
At first KSK found that Star is important than the sign and wherever the planet is (whether in 6/8/12) it will offer the results of its starlord only.This indeed a revolution because hitherto only stars are used to find the birth star only. But later KSK found that two or three planets in the same constellation are offering different results.This prompted him to divide the star into "Sub Divisions" on the proportion of Vimshothari Dasa system. He termed these sub-division lords as "Sub Lords".
This modification filled the missing link in astrology.Two or three planets in the same star but in different sub divisions is offering different results.the mechanism of Sublord theory is as follows:
If a planet is deposited in a "Sign" then that shows the strength of that particular planet.Whether the element,quality,Nature of that sign is congenial to that of the planet or not will determine the strength of the planet..
Now in that sign the planet will be posited in a star, whatever the nature of the planet and its strength be it has to obey the orders of the star lord. the star lord will modify the planet as per his nature, significations, ownerships and occupation.For instance if "Sun" the planet for Power and Order may not be the same if he is deposited in the star of the lethargic "Saturn". In that way each and every starlord will influence its tenants.
The third and most important modification is done by the Sublord.
He is the hero among all. As said above the planet is modified and set to offer the results by the Sign& Star lords. But whether the assigned significations will thrive or not, Prosper or not, Helpful or not is decided by the "Sublord".He is the touch stone to test the effect of each and every planet.
Suppose, for Aries ascendant a planet. say Sun is in "Venus" star in "Leo". Our first delineation is that he is strong by occupying his own sign and a significator for 2,7 houses by being posited in the star of "Venus" lord of these houses. Now whether Sun will promise marriage or oppose it will be decided by the sub lord in whose zone sun is residing. Lets say here Sun is in Saturn Sub otherwise Saturn is the sublord for Sun. As Saturn is lord of 11th house he will permit for marriage. If Sun is in the sub of Jupiter (12th lord) or Mercury (6th lord )then sun will not only oppose marriage but cause ego clash with spouse.
In this way we have to judge each and every planet and note its strength and significations, also the signals from the sub lord and decide whether he is favorably posited or otherwise.This is simply KP. In next post i will explain how to calculate the sublord.
At first KSK found that Star is important than the sign and wherever the planet is (whether in 6/8/12) it will offer the results of its starlord only.This indeed a revolution because hitherto only stars are used to find the birth star only. But later KSK found that two or three planets in the same constellation are offering different results.This prompted him to divide the star into "Sub Divisions" on the proportion of Vimshothari Dasa system. He termed these sub-division lords as "Sub Lords".
This modification filled the missing link in astrology.Two or three planets in the same star but in different sub divisions is offering different results.the mechanism of Sublord theory is as follows:
If a planet is deposited in a "Sign" then that shows the strength of that particular planet.Whether the element,quality,Nature of that sign is congenial to that of the planet or not will determine the strength of the planet..
Now in that sign the planet will be posited in a star, whatever the nature of the planet and its strength be it has to obey the orders of the star lord. the star lord will modify the planet as per his nature, significations, ownerships and occupation.For instance if "Sun" the planet for Power and Order may not be the same if he is deposited in the star of the lethargic "Saturn". In that way each and every starlord will influence its tenants.
The third and most important modification is done by the Sublord.
He is the hero among all. As said above the planet is modified and set to offer the results by the Sign& Star lords. But whether the assigned significations will thrive or not, Prosper or not, Helpful or not is decided by the "Sublord".He is the touch stone to test the effect of each and every planet.
Suppose, for Aries ascendant a planet. say Sun is in "Venus" star in "Leo". Our first delineation is that he is strong by occupying his own sign and a significator for 2,7 houses by being posited in the star of "Venus" lord of these houses. Now whether Sun will promise marriage or oppose it will be decided by the sub lord in whose zone sun is residing. Lets say here Sun is in Saturn Sub otherwise Saturn is the sublord for Sun. As Saturn is lord of 11th house he will permit for marriage. If Sun is in the sub of Jupiter (12th lord) or Mercury (6th lord )then sun will not only oppose marriage but cause ego clash with spouse.
In this way we have to judge each and every planet and note its strength and significations, also the signals from the sub lord and decide whether he is favorably posited or otherwise.This is simply KP. In next post i will explain how to calculate the sublord.
How to judge Dasa-Bhukthi lords?:
In Vedic Astrology we have a peculiar scheme to time events called as Dasa system. Among the no. of. Dasa systens "Vimshothari" is a famous and widely used system. KSK also endorsed this scheme and predicted events with date and time.
1) Dasa lord is the ultimate authority and no bhukthi lord will step out from his directions.
Ex: If dasa lord is not permitting marriage then no bhukthi lord whatever
strength he may have will not give marriage.
2)Dasa lord will be strong signficator for the houses ruled and occupied by its star lord. He will also offer his own significations but that depends up on whether there is any planet in his star or not.
Ex: dasa lord may be lord of 6 or occupant of 6 but if he is in the star of Occupant/Owner of 7/11 houses then he will vote for marriage. If there is no
planet in his star then he will become strong for 6th house and may cause separation in other bhukthi.
3)Dasa lord is a turn coat and acts a per the significations of the bhukthi lord.
Ex: if dasa lord signifies both positive and negative house for
marriage. then in the bhukthi of a positive significator he
offers marriage and in the bhukthi of the negative significator
causes separation/divorce etc..
4) The relation between dasa and bhukthi lord is important. they should have harmonious aspects as per "Western" scheme of aspects.
5)Dasa lord or bhukthi lord should not be in evil aspects with their star lords, if we expect the result of the star lord.
Ex: If dasa/bhukthi lord is in the star of a planet in 10 and
owning 11th house and the native is expecting promotion, in
such a case DB lords should not be in evil aspect with that
star lord, in that situation there will be maximum opposition/
delay in promotion of the native.
6)In KP any event come to pass if the DB lords are the strong and fruitful significators of the group of houses corroborating that event. Otherwise the event seems to happen but will never take place.
Ex: for marriage 2,5,7,11 houses are the group of houses and the
focal house is 7th house. Similarly for promotion in
career 2,6,10,11 houses but the focal house is 10th etc.
7) The most important point to remember is "transit" or "Gochara". As per KP an event will materialize only when "both" the DB lords and transit of DB lords are favorable.Hence foremost importance is given for the transit of DB lords in timing events.
Good Luck
1) Dasa lord is the ultimate authority and no bhukthi lord will step out from his directions.
Ex: If dasa lord is not permitting marriage then no bhukthi lord whatever
strength he may have will not give marriage.
2)Dasa lord will be strong signficator for the houses ruled and occupied by its star lord. He will also offer his own significations but that depends up on whether there is any planet in his star or not.
Ex: dasa lord may be lord of 6 or occupant of 6 but if he is in the star of Occupant/Owner of 7/11 houses then he will vote for marriage. If there is no
planet in his star then he will become strong for 6th house and may cause separation in other bhukthi.
3)Dasa lord is a turn coat and acts a per the significations of the bhukthi lord.
Ex: if dasa lord signifies both positive and negative house for
marriage. then in the bhukthi of a positive significator he
offers marriage and in the bhukthi of the negative significator
causes separation/divorce etc..
4) The relation between dasa and bhukthi lord is important. they should have harmonious aspects as per "Western" scheme of aspects.
5)Dasa lord or bhukthi lord should not be in evil aspects with their star lords, if we expect the result of the star lord.
Ex: If dasa/bhukthi lord is in the star of a planet in 10 and
owning 11th house and the native is expecting promotion, in
such a case DB lords should not be in evil aspect with that
star lord, in that situation there will be maximum opposition/
delay in promotion of the native.
6)In KP any event come to pass if the DB lords are the strong and fruitful significators of the group of houses corroborating that event. Otherwise the event seems to happen but will never take place.
Ex: for marriage 2,5,7,11 houses are the group of houses and the
focal house is 7th house. Similarly for promotion in
career 2,6,10,11 houses but the focal house is 10th etc.
7) The most important point to remember is "transit" or "Gochara". As per KP an event will materialize only when "both" the DB lords and transit of DB lords are favorable.Hence foremost importance is given for the transit of DB lords in timing events.
Good Luck
Role of Starlord in Prediction

In Astrological jargon the term Starlord is used only in a limited sense. the real impetus of starlord is well explained only by Sothida Mannan, Jyothiha Marthand Sri K.S.Krishnamurthy. He named it as "Advanced Stellar Astrology" and it is popular as KP. According to this theory every planet will be posited in a star of any horoscope. The plant in that star will become the agent of that star lord.And it is termed as "Significator" for all those affairs guide by that starlord by occupation and ownership.
Then what about its own signification? those affairs ruled and controlled by the planet itself only when there is not any planet in its constellation. If there is any or there are many, those planets will become stronger than the planet. Thus in KP for every house/bhava planets are categorized as strong and weak in the order given below:
1) Planets in the star of the Occupant of the house
2) Occupants of the house
3) Planets in the star of lord of the house
4) Lord of the house.
5)Finally the planets conjoined with or aspected by (1) to (4) above.
Like this significators are ascertained and tabulated for each and every bhava.
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